Digitization: VHS to DVD & More

Preserve Your Memories!

The Princeton Public Library would like to assist people in preserving their memories by scanning in their old documents, photos, and VHS videos.

These items will be converted to computer files and put on DVDs or  flash drives (also called USB drives or thumb drives) for people to take home. 

There will be a small charge to cover the cost of supplies ($2.50 for each flash drive and fifty cents per DVD). 

This project will start January 20th and end January 31st.
Due to the anticipated high demand for this service, we ask that people limit the number of items they bring in.

4 VHS tapes, 4 floppy discs, 4 documents, and 40 photos.

We understand that people may have many more items they wish to digitize, so we are willing to teach them how to use the equipment themselves.

Paper copies of photos (NOT on photo paper) can be printed at the library for minimal cost: each 8.5" X 11" sheet of paper is ten cents for black and white, twenty five cents for color. 

The Preserve Your Memories service will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Processing time may take up to two weeks.
Part of the long wait time has to do with limited staff, but it is also because any VHS tape takes as many hours to convert as there are hours of footage on the tape. That means that if your VHS tape is two hours long, it takes us two hours to convert it.
The library will call people when their items are ready to be picked up.

Although we will take the utmost care with any materials entrusted to us, we require people submitting items to sign a form with a waiver releasing us from liability for damage done during the scanning process. The form also guarantees that you are not submitting copyrighted material for us to copy/digitize. We cannot and will not copy Hollywood movies and other protected works. This service is strictly for people's personal memories.

We encourage people to tell us about historic family photos and documents that may be of interest to the Princeton Historical Society. We can help make digital copies of these, at no charge, to give to the Historical Society for their collection. The Historical Society will want to be able to contact people in order to document the full stories behind the photos.

Date and Time


Princeton Public Library
424 West Water Street
Princeton, WI 54968-9147
Phone: 920.295.6777
Fax: 920-295-3303

Directions to Library


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Monday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday Closed