Our Preserve Your Memories project starts today! This project will continue through the entire month of January.
For full details, click here: https://www.princetonpublib.org/node/908
The Princeton Public Library would like to assist people in preserving their memories by scanning in their old documents, photos, VHS videos, and floppy discs. These items will be converted to computer files and put on flash drives for people to take home.
There will be a small charge to cover the cost of supplies ($2.50 for each flash drive and fifty cents per DVD).
4 VHS tapes
4 floppy discs
4 documents
40 photos
We cannot and will not copy Hollywood movies and other protected works. This service is strictly for people's personal memories.
The Preserve Your Memories service will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please stop in at the library with your materials during open hours.
Processing time may take up to two weeks.