Our annual Free Seed Library opens today!
Come in and get free seeds for planting a garden that will feed both you and pollinators.
In the fall, if you can, please collect some seeds from your mature plants and bring them back to share with others.
Available seeds include:
Danvers Carrot
Seed Savers Lettuce Mix
Lowen Family Heirloom Ground Cherry
Sweet Granite Melon
Amish Snap Pea
Table Queen Squash
English Lavender
German Chamomile
Mammoth Russian Sunflower
Dry Soil Wildflower Mix
Do you have any extra seeds or veggies this spring? We'd love to help you share them with others-- bring them in!
Because we are buying our seeds in bulk from a cooperative in order to save money, they will come in plain envelopes in limited quantities. All seeds are heirloom varieties grown in the Midwest. To get planting instructions, or learn more about seed saving and seed swaps, go to exchange.seedsavers.org.